Rev. Christine Heart Savage
Metaphysical Science opens the door to real life intelligence
Gain mental clarity, emotional balance, physical & spritual wellbeing
Check out the courses on offer below...

A little bit about my story and why I created The Heart ❤️ Of Metaphysics Program
Metaphysical science is my passion. I just makes sense. It brings understanding and order to life. It's true life intelligence!
Life Creation Courses
Ignite Your
Soul Intelligence for life
There are five life transforming courses within the life creation program.
Each course can be studied individually and at your own pace.
The subjects are packed full of practical and metaphysical knowledge.
They address the energetic and vibrational realms, the mental, emotional and physical aspects of you. How to make good choices, How to use and direct your energy. How to create and manifest. How to expand into the person you'd like to be in all areas of your life.
These courses are grounded in real soul intelligence for life!
Metaphysics is not new, it's been around for thousands of years. Metaphysical science is the forgotten wisdom on the subject of "who we are and how to live a successful and soul connected life". It's a continually rich and unfolding journey.
These teachings go to the core of who we really are... they speak to your heart and soul.
Each subject imparts high metaphysical knowledge for life. I've designed the teachings to be informative and simple to understand. I use pictures to show each step clearly. "A picture tells a thousand words!" When we can see what we're moving towards we comprehend the teachings on a deeper level and therefore can achieve results and personal expansion much faster.
Metaphysics is in my heart and soul, it certainly saved me when I was "unknowingly" making a mess of my life... AND I can't wait to share this magnificent, magical, metaphysical information with you! It's life changing!
Many blessings to you...
Christine 💜
Life Creation
Course Selection
The METAPHYSICAL LIFE CREATION courses are personal development at it's best!
These courses address some of the most fundamental aspects of metaphysical science.
The lessons are practical and down to earth. They offer very useable information and knowledge so you can become skilled in every day living... right where we ALL need it!
These courses give you a solid frame work... a structure to follow to get hold of your life and build your life the way you'd like it. If you have chaos and struggle going on in your life and you don't seem to be able to change it... Metaphysical Life Creation courses are for you!
I was there too for the first 30+ years of my life. These teachings can shift your life so you can live with more mental clarity, emotional calm, direction and life balance.
True life success isn't just about having the knowledge, it's about being able to use that information to create a great life for yourself - to be able to ground metaphysical understanding right into your practical daily life, and I teach you how to do that in these courses.
When these teachings are followed and put into daily practice, there is a automatic expansion of awareness and a raising of consciousness which affects your outer life in very positive ways - anxiety, distress and doubt are replaced with an greater sense of personal confidence, stability, peace and wellbeing.
To become the best version of yourself, all aspects must be worked on... the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical parts of you must be addressed and brought into alignment.
These foundational teachings help to pave the way for a better quality of life... a higher soul way of living.
I've used these exact teachings to completely change my own life and I've taught many thousands of others to do the same. It's my pleasure to share this knowledge with you 💜
SUGGESTED BEST ORDER: (however they compliment each other and can be done in any order)
1. The Art Of Meditation
2. Karma Wisdom
3. Mind Matters
4. The Affirmation Act
5. Get Choice Smart

The Art Of Meditation
Discover how a regular meditation practice can release negative emotions, tension, stress and anxiety and bring a wonderful sense of peace and calm into your life.
You're given a Mantra, shown how to use it... and taught about the energetic effects of riding on its vibration.
I discuss what's normal in meditation and what the wonderful benefits are... which are many! You'll also see some very interesting brain scans.
People meditate for different reasons... for health, stress, anxiety, relaxation, spiritual connection and expansion... it helps with all of it!
It quietens the mind, soothes the emotions and relaxes the body. It realigns all parts of your being... AND it opens your spiritual channel!
Take The Tour

Karma Wisdom
Unravel the myths of karma and see how to work with karma in a practical and graceful way.
In Karma Wisdom, you'll discover how you're creating karma in every living moment. There is a little bit of fun built into this course too... 😂
This course explains how karma works in your daily life and how you can consciously balance your karma moment to moment and transform any negative effects it may have been having in your life.
You get to see and understand how to deal with life's challenges in a conscious, positive way so you can handle situations with more grace.
You'll see how karma presents a wonderful opportunity for positive change!

Mind Matters
Uncover the workings of your mind... you have a meaningful, magnificent, magical mind, which is highly intelligent. Becoming aware of how to lead your mind in a constructive manner is a powerful life-changing journey.
It's time to take charge of your mind!
In this course, you'll see how the mind works. How conditioning and habits are formed throughout life and the affect that those habits have on your life. We do some mind mapping and look at intention and language.
You are shown through an impactful visual display which highlights how your mind processes language and how habits of thought, feeling and spoken word are being placed into your lifestream.
Learning to direct and master your mind can shift your life in ways that will astound you!

The Affirmation Act
Affirmations can be a powerful adjunct to a conscious intention to transformation of your life.
In this course you are shown how to write your affirmations in a positive, powerful and effective way.
It shows you what to do and what not to do, so that you feel confident in writing and implementing your affirmations.
You are shown exactly how to structure your affirmations and how to bring them to life... how to energise them... and I show you in a visual form as well so know exactly how to focus your mind and energy.
I'll also share my secret affirmation ingredient that takes your affirmations to a whole new level.
You're given the structure to write positive, effective and powerful affirmations so that you can create conscious and impactful change.
Take The Tour

Get Choice Smart
Life is all about the choices we make day to day, moment to moment. Choices create the quality of our lives.
Get Choice Smart shows you how to make smart choices with confidence through "The Smart Choice Method" and how to trust those choices.
You'll be guided through a process to create your MAGIC WORD. This is both fun and extremely powerful. You'll be using your personal magic word to confirm that your choices, big and small, are serving you at a soul level.
You'll be choosing important VALUES and looking at how to grow your values into personal qualities to enhance your life.
You'll learn about the two selves. The bondage of the conditioned self and the freedom of the spiritual self and their impact on your life.
You'll know why and how to make smart choices so you can live your life in alignment with who you are.
Words from Past Clients...

Stefanie Gillis
As a coach, Christine is warm, compassionate, authentic, honest and encompasses every element of mind, body and spirit in the work that we do.
Christine’s knowledge, deep understanding and ability to connect has helped me so much in getting to the core of where I need to do my work.
To feel so supported in a journey that is at times both unfamiliar and uncomfortable is such a blessing.

Christian O'Connell
Christine is a joy to work with.
This is someone who has really experienced what it's like to feel yourself at the very edges of what you can take, she’s been there and knows how to help you come back to a bigger, stronger, happier version of yourself. How courage means living full-hearted in this life.
I came to see her needing some support and got that and also a soul mate I still keep in touch with.
Just book in and see what happens.

Joana De Silver
I've learned so much from my coaching sessions with Christine.
I don’t want to ever go back to my anxiety, fear and confusion. I am more truthful and open with myself and other people - it’s so good to be conscious, simple and clear.
I often think “what would Christine say and do in this situation”, it helps me to stop, and choose to be the best I can be.