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Mind Matters


I am truly excited to be sharing this rich knowledge with you on... MIND MATTERS.

This self-study course, Mind Matters is grounded in the sound knowledge and practices of Metaphysical Science and the Marvellous Teachings of the I AM...

You have a marvellous mind and becoming aware of how to use your mind powerfully is a life changing journey. 

Changing the direction of your mind can shift your life in ways that will astound you!

You'll see how your mind works. How conditioning and habits are formed throughout your life and the effect that those habits have on your life consciously and unconsciously.

Learn how audio works within your mind, how your mind processes language and how habits of thought, feeling and spoken word are being placed into your lifestream... AND you are living them!

  • 5 powerful video lessons 
    (The lessons are visual so you  clearly understand the lessons)

The teachings and practices of all of my courses are specifically designed to layer and build upon each other as you progress through the lessons so that your understanding and comprehension of yourself and life continues to deepen and expand.

The information and practice you'll be implementing into your daily life, supports a true mind, body, soul, life connection.

This connection builds a state of inner security, supporting you to let go of struggle and insecurity and feel the unfathomable stillness and peace that lies deep within you, which permeates all levels of your being bringing more confidence, composure and self trust into your life experience.  Your get to design with your mind.

I've studied, practiced and taught Metaphysical Science for 29 years AND I can't wait to share this information with you, so you can live a true soul-connected life.

With warmest blessings,
Christine 💜x