🎉Welcome!  This transformational program is a comprehensive 30 year collection of my personal...
research, knowledge, techniques & experience designed for you to make a profound vibrational shift in your life!

The Heart Of Metaphysics Program


With Rev. Christine Heart Savage

Minister of Metaphysical Science
Life coach 
Breathwork Trainer



 Six Powerful Weekly Coaching Sessions 
Instant Access To "How To Give A Shift Life Mastery" Online Course 

30 Years Of Successful, Happy Clients.
You Gain A Deeper Understanding And Faster Vibrational Shifts
 With Coaching!

Clear Your Soul Shadows
Raise Your Frequency 

Embrace a higher way of living

Clear mental clutter, emotional reaction, anxiety and chaos by raising your vibration.
Transform old stuck energy into useable, higher energy for living.
Embody higher aspects of your soul as you expand your connection to source!


Discouraged  & doubting yourself?

Feel like you've tried everything and you still can't get it right?  Wondering what's wrong with you? 

 Reactive & out of control?

Sick of being sucked down the emotional rabbit hole into drama and chaos?  Feeling out of control, anxious and distressed?  

Want change but don't know how?

Know you need a shift but can't seem to move forward?  Don't know where to turn, what to do, or how to change it?

What Kirsten says...

Click to watch video

What Vanessa says...

Click to watch video

What Sarah says...

Click to watch video

What If It Didn't Have

To Be That Way?


You can learn simple and reliable skills for instant calm, balance and stability anywhere, any time.

You can become emotionally savvy, less reactive and more confidently responsive to whatever life presents.

Is it really possible?

Yes it's possible!

All you need are the right steps and tools following the How To Give A Shift Life Mastery Method for you to know exactly what to do in every situation... so you can move forward and start living an extraordinary higher soul connected life...

And I'm going to show you how!

Welcome To

How To Give A Shift

How to give a shift is a life mastery program.  It is level one of The Heart Of Metaphysics Program.

It's both practical and experiential. The shift takes place through the practice of raising your vibration, which releases old disempowering emotional and mental energy blocks, which have accumulated in and around you during your lifetime... as this shifts out of your system, your natural alignment is restored and your higher soul energy can flow more freely into you and your life.   

If you've been searching for answers and a new and higher way to live... I welcome you!  You're in the right place.  This journey is an exciting one! 

By aligning the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of yourself you naturally create change.  True alignment takes a higher vibrational shift which requires metaphysical understanding and tools... and I'm going to give them to you!

You can look forward to handling your life challenges with more ease and stability because you'll know exactly how to move into balance any time, anywhere and in any situation. 

Through these practices not only will you expand your awareness and deepen your self understanding - your self confidence and self trust will increase dramatically.



The Teachings 

In This Program

The teachings and practices in this program are designed to help you understand and overcome fear, anxiety, stress, burnout, charged emotional trauma and old destructive patterns of behaviour that have kept you going around in circles.  

If your mind constantly takes over and you find yourself worrying about every little thing... if you have thoughts like "will it ever stop" or you feel desperate and don't know how to create a clear way forward ... then it's time for you to Give A Shift!

Through these teachings and practices you'll gain more emotional control and stability and a clearer state of mind. You'll find within a very short time that your anxiety, overwhelm and burnout levels greatly reduce.  You'll have more confidence and trust and a greater ability to make good decisions

You'll gain a shift in awareness which can look almost magical, but it's all due to a very practical and clearly thought out method that is easily applied to your life!  I call this method the BOW Process.  There is a whole module dedicated to the BOW process which brings the program into a beautiful completion. 

If you're ready to move forward in your life - How To Give A Shift can get you there!  

When you start to clear old emotional pollution from your body...  there is an automatic knock-on positive effect in other areas of your life...  As you raise your vibration you get closer to your soul.  


You'll gain...
* Greater mental and emotional control

* Ability to release stress and anxiety quickly

* More open and dynamic soul connection 

* Increased personal power 

* Ability to stabilise your life energy

* Happier and calmer inner life

* Higher self worth 

* Healthier relationships

* Expanded consciousness


Now let me introduce myself...

Hi I'm

Rev. Christine Heart Savage

I'm a Minister of Metaphysical Science, a Breathwork Expert and Life Coach. 

I was given this amazing, transformative, higher knowledge by an incredible Presence or Intelligence when I was at my lowest point many years ago...  this knowledge enabled me to heal and transform my own devastating breakdown in my early 30's.  It changed the course of my life!  Since then I've had the pleasure of teaching many thousands of people this higher knowledge.  (I share more about how this came about in the program)

My mission is to help you overcome any chaos you may be experiencing so you can get some stability and control back in your life and build a higher, happier and deeper connection to your soul and life purpose.

Spiritually, it's my intention for you to experience the amazing energy of your soul.  To do that it's important to understand how your energy works at the cellular level of your body and how it connects to your soul.

I'm going to show you what's happening at the core level of your being and then teach you how to shift and transform your dense, heavy, pain body into lighter, useable, higher vibrational energy...  In other words I'm going to show you how to raise yourself so you can start living a higher quality and happier life.   

This means clearing emotional and mental blocks that have accumulated in and around you over your lifetime... this forms an energy crust!  This is what is often known as your pain body. 

This blocked energy must go through a transformational "shift".  The clearing of dense, compacted energy trapped in the body is necessary to make way for a higher frequency shift which then opens you up to live a higher soul connected life.

To really make a life shift... you have to understand what's happening inside you and then know how to change it.  
 I was in my 30's before I stumbled across some of the deeper truths about life.  My soul searching and dissatisfaction with life lead me down a path of delicious discovery.
I found out life is not fixed and rigid, but wonderfully flexible and malleable!  

My mind was opened to a new world of endless possibilities!  It was fascinating!  I felt inspired and alive for the first time in my life!


Your soul knows you inside out!   It knows why you're here and it will guide you more clearly as your connection opens to embody more of it's intelligent light and wise counsel!

What's Inside

How To Give A Shift Life Mastery

Blending energy and physical matter generates movement! ~ Rev. Christine Heart Savage

Immediate access to my onlline course
38 key lessons: release energetic blocks; raise your vibrational frequency; find emotional balance and mental clarity; deepen your soul connection.

6 weeks of interactive group coaching with Rev. Christine

The Art Of Correct Breathing


Are you breathing well?  You might be surprised!  This is a comprehensive step by step training in correct breathing practices that you can use confidently and successfully every day of your life.  

Your breath is your connection to source.  The breath shifts consciousness. This skill on it's own is life changing.

Genesis: The Beginning


Discover some interesting information about birth and its powerful affect on your life.  Here you'll look at your parents background and relationship with each other, and your own birth. You'll see how this impacts your own relationship interactions. And there are some fascinating case studies. 

Vibrational Power


This is where your vibrational power journey begins. You'll experience very organic and practical exercises to start raising your vibration and expanding your life energy and your consciousness. 

You actively start working with your soul energy at this point.

The Pollution Process

7 LESSONS (+Bonus Lesson)

See how previously charged emotional energy solidifies in your body and literally prevents your life from moving forward. This is often called your pain body. You'll see exactly how your emotional history is stored in your body causing stagnation. It's detrimental affect on your life will become obvious to you. These lessons show you how to start clearing old contracted energy so that you can move forward with your life. This is a fascinating module.

Burnout Reversed & Energy Patterns


View how cellular energy patterns affect your thinking, emotions and behaviour and learn about how to start making a shift through accessing 'choice points'.  This module shows you how you to shift stress and burnout through transforming the energy into flowing useable life energy.  You can also see where you sit on the 'burnout scale' and then monitor your progress as you become more skilled.

Developing EQ

7 LESSONS (+Bonus Lesson)

This is the pièce de résistance. Everything you've learned comes together with the BOW Process - a powerful, user friendly, life changing process that greatly expands your awareness. This practice not only brings clarity of mind and emotional stability, it naturally lifts your vibration and opens you to higher quality life choices that are in alignment with your own soul's purpose.   You'll use this process for the rest of your life!

Each lesson has been carefully designed to take you on a multi layered and sequential journey, giving you practical information and showing you exactly how to put the teachings into action so that you can make a shift and create the outcome you desire. 


A Personal Message From

 Me To You 

I've been there!  I know what it's like to be burnt-out, anxious, lost, broken and desperate. I thought I was going to die.  It was a very dark time of my life.  I knew I couldn't change things from the outside, I had to heal the "broken me" on the inside.

I made a conscious choice to live! 

I not only recovered but learned how to thrive!   I know what works and I know how to help you!

Take my hand and allow me to show you how you can raise your vibration, open your channel, free your old stuck conditions and thrive!

AND... I've designed this program to raise your frequency, expand your consciousness and to deepen the connection to your soul.  I want this for you! 

Soul work is my passion...  It makes my cells sing with joy! 

How To Give A Shift Life Mastery Program


Commencing (on Zoom)
Thursday 14 November AEST (Melb Aus)

Wednesday 13 November PACIFIC (USA)

  6 Weeks Of Live Dynamic Coaching with Rev. Christine

Plus the vibrationally transformative
 "How To Give A Shift" life mastery online course



Register now and get this amazing price 

Equivalent to $699 USD

Pay Only

$999 AUD

Overcome distress - Get Mental Clarity, Emotional Stability, Physical Relaxation & Spiritual Alignment

  • A powerful 6  week LIVE GROUP COACHING program with Rev Christine
  • Instant access to How To Give A Shift Dynamic On-line Course (immediate start)
  • 6 powerful online modules
  • 38 informative & practical video teaching lessons (with visuals for clear understanding)
  • Bonus lessons
  • Life long access to How To Give A Shift Life Mastery Program
  • Receive all new program updates

Until you raise your low vibrational pain body at the internal energy level you can't move forward. 
These vibrationally dense blocks keep you going around in circles.

You must start lifting your vibration move fo torward!

As you raise your personal vibration you're consciousness expands and you're able to accomodate more light... then more of your higher soul energy can enter your life.   

If you desire a more soul connected life this is the way forward.

I'm here to help you make the change you want to make!

**Limited numbers available


Premium Quality


How To Give A Shift Life Mastery Program comes with a satisfaction guarantee. If you don't think this program is for you I will refund your money.

What People Are Saying

Justin S

My anxiety was so bad, I thought I was going to die!

Everything you said in the How To Give A Shift Program felt like you were speaking directly to me. I knew you understood. And your coaching was first class.

Thank you so, so much. You saved my life!

Julianne Moloney

I could not stop crying, I couldn’t talk, I couldn’t explain myself - all I knew was that I was broken, every part of me including my heart. I just didn’t know where I belonged in the world anymore.

I have been totally transformed into a new person. I have learnt to trust myself and truly believe that I am worthy of all that I aim for.   My life and world is now on track and I have made some amazing decisions that I could never have made this time last year. I could never could have done it without meeting Christine.  

Christine is the most amazing and incredible person I have ever met and she has such a wealth and depth of knowledge, understanding and compassion. 

Christine has changed my world and I am forever grateful to this beautiful lady. She is my saviour! 

Aaron  Speed

Christine, I am so deeply appreciative of your guidance and teachings. You have enabled me to finally understand and gain control of my anxiety, and given me the tools and access to the knowledge required to live a happier and more fulfilling life. 

You are truly amazing:-) 



This Program

  • Wondering if things will ever change
  • Constantly feeling suck and can't seem to get ahead
  • Feeling lost and emotionally out of control
  • Sick of all the drama going on in your life
  • Feeling like you've lost your confidence
  • Wondering if you'll ever trust your self again
  • On a treadmill and constantly exhausted
  • Feeling disheartened and thinking this is your lot in life
  • Feeling empty and disconnected with your soul



This Program

  • I know how to make my desired change  
  • I have the tools to shift my life in the direction I choose
  • I feel emotionally stable and comfortable in myself.
  • I know how to free myself from drama
  • I feel so much more confident in my life
  • I know I can trust myself even when I'm challenged
  • I'm off the treadmill and leading my own life
  • I feel amazing knowing I'm finally SHIFTING MY LIFE! 
  • I feel more connected to my soul.


This Program Will

Help You

  • Overcome overwhelm, burnout, anxiety and worry
  • Have emotional stability at your finder tips
  • Find mental clarity in a matter of minutes
  • Gain more confidence and self trust
  • Master your breath for balance & connection 
  • Grow your emotional intelligence (EQ)
  • Transform cellular pollution into useable energy
  • Learn to direct your own life-force
  • Expand your awareness and self management skills
  • Deepen the connection to your soul 


Are You Going

To Join Me?


You deserve to live a satisfying and rich life!

If you don't start now... then when?

I've enjoyed helping many thousands of people shift their energy and change their lives by opening their minds to new possibilities... and those possibilities are there for you too! 

How To Give A Shift shows you exactly how to shift your life by consciously expanding your awareness and raising your frequency to a new level of understanding and opportunity!

I completely turned my life around when I finally understood that life is not rigid, but quite flexible and mouldable.

I am ever grateful for this knowledge and I know it's my life's purpose to share this with you! 

Now it's time for you to experience that delicious shift too!



Answers To

Your Questions