APRIL SPECIAL NOW ON - BUY NOW & enjoy mental clarity & emotional stability anytime, anywhere!

Overcome Anxiety Overwhelm & Stress through Breath Awareness 


 Your breath is your magic super power! 
Feel alive, well and happy through the power of your breath!


On The Edge?

Feeling like you're going mad, out of control and reacting to every little thing?

Can't Relax?

Can't let go and enjoy life any more, feeling anxious and forgotten how to have fun?

Busy Mind?

Can't seem to stop your mind chatter no matter what you do or what you try?

What if something you already do every day could

 Unlock Your Power?

To no longer feel out of control...

You can learn an intentional way to breathe...

One that creates the feeling you desire...

Instead of leaving you at the mercy of your situation...

You can create a new confidence... 

And I'm going to show you how!

Welcome To

The Breathing Shift

The Breathing Shift is a simple and powerful course that shows you how to release anxiety and mental and emotional stress in the moment you need it.

When you're under pressure you lose your breathing.  Think of a time when something hit you so hard that you gasped and stopped breathing for a minute and you lost that sense of control over where you were and what you were doing... and you almost had to remind yourself to start breathing again.

The Breathing Shift helps you to recognise any unsupportive and stress filled breathing habits you might have, and how to take back control

You can go from a feeling of intense discomfort to a feeling of calm very quickly.

Good breathing habits can give you a wonderful feeling of aliveness!  

And you can quickly reach a new level of self control and confidence!

AND The Breathing Shift is easy to apply to your life. 

Wellbeing, mental clarity and emotional balance can be yours on demand!


Your breath is powerful!  Try going without it for even 4 minutes 😜!!!  It's the one thing you can't live without for very long.  In just a matter of minutes without breathing, you would be unconscious...  and yet most people don't breathe well, in-fact most people breathe very poorly!

You can have a very real and magical shift in your life without ever having to worry about poor breathing again! 

It's a skill you'll use every day of your life!


Hey I'm

Christine Heart Savage

And my mission is to help you achieve a happier and higher quality of life through raising the quality of your breath.

AND secretly... 💃🏻🕺
so you can have more fun and twirl with me!  I LOVE to twirl!

I created the Breathing Shift course for you.  After nearly 30 years of teaching people how to breathe I want to make sure you have the tools required to keep yourself balanced during any life challenges, so that you can instantly take back control and lower any stress and discomfort you're feeling, to live a more confident, peaceful and happy life!

The Breathing Shift teachings are a part of what I did to change my own life after a devastating breakdown many years ago.  It works!

Your breath is powerful!  I was in my 30's before I stumbled across some of the deeper truths about life - one of them being the importance of the breath!

My soul searching and dissatisfaction with life lead me down a path of delicious discovery.

I changed my breathing and had a huge life shift!  AND now shiftings others has become my soul purpose!

I found out that life is not fixed and rigid, but wonderfully flexible and malleable! I was able to alter my situation through my breathing!  Who'd have thought!

My mind was opened to a brand new world... a world of endless possibilities!  It was fascinating!

I felt inspired and alive for the first time in my life!


You too have the opportunity to change your breathing and shift your life to a higher lever!


What's Inside 

The Breathing Shift

7 Modules - 17 lessons
It's life changing!

Module 1

A chat with Christine on the art of intentional breathing. It talks about the importance of breathing and how to work with the lessons so you know what to expect as you go through the course. 

Module 2

 Looks at how breathing patterns are formed and then takes you through an exercise to discover and document your personal breathing cycle so you'll have more awareness around your own breathing behaviour.

Module  3

You're shown step by step how to work out your rate of respiration, and then you can measure it against the respiration range shown in the lesson so you'll get an idea of where you sit on the average scale.

Module 4

You're taken through the first vital area of intentional breathing. This teaching is both educational and practical. You'll be isolating this area so you can see and feel the difference between good and bad breathing.  You'll be shown how to consciously connect the brain with this breathing muscle.

Module 5

You're taken through the second vital area of breathing. This teaching is both educational and practical. You'll be isolating area two so you can see and feel the difference in movement in this section of your breath.  You'll feel which area you've become more comfortable with.  


Module 6

You're taken through the third area of breathing. This teaching is both educational and practical. You'll be isolating area three, which is quite different from areas one and two. If you often feel worried and anxious, this is information for you to know.


Module 7

This is where you build a whole new relationship with your breath. As you integrate the teachings of the course you'll achieve a greater level of 'breath intelligence'. Through using your breath intentionally and consciously you'll be able to release discomfort quickly, settle your emotions and quieten your mind. The result is a sense of calm, balance and wellbeing.

BONUS Live Training 

Video 1 Introduction to the live demonstrations.

Videos 2 3 4 5 show a live body demonstration and training on the isolation of each of The Three Areas Of Breathing teachings so that you can see exactly where, what and how to do the practices.

BONUS Live Training

Video 6 is a live demonstration on 'Putting It Altogether' so that you can see and experience The Breathing Shift In Action and know exactly how to use your breath with greater control and confidence for your daily life. You'll love it!  I use it every day!  You can shift your wellbeing, mental clarity and emotional balance on demand!




Pay ONLY $197 (inc tax) for this life changing breathing course! It's my birthday month and I'm giving a whopping $100 off for the month of April!  Enter code at checkout to receive your special.   
Happy breathing... Christine💜

A life changing choice for ONLY

$297 AUD


Only Do The Breathing Shift if you want to...
  • Feel calm and relaxed
  • Experience a quiet mind
  • Have clarity of thought 
  • Feel emotionally stable 
  • Feel self confident
  • Reduce your stress levels
  • Reduce your anxiety levels
  • Release body tension 
  • Become breath intelligent
  • Expand your awareness
  • Feel more connected

Your breath is your super power!

With excellent breathing skills you can quickly and efficiently change your internal environment from emotional trauma and mental distress to one of emotional balance and mental clarity.  You can feel calm, clear, balanced and confident when you most need it.  You'll use this skill every day... I do!  So do the many thousands of people I've taught... Your breath is truly amazing when you know how to use it!...  AND you can't leave home without it!!! 😜💜

Premium Quality


The Breathing Shift course comes with a satisfaction guarantee.  If after completing the first three lessons you feel it's not going to be right for you, you can request a refund.

Client Success Stories

Vanessa V

I absolutely loved The Breathing Shift!

The course was so easy to follow and you explained things really well. You are so warm and kind as well. I have done the course twice through and I know that it's something I will refer back to.

I just wanted to reach out and say a big thank you.


Aaron Speed

Christine, I am so deeply appreciative of your guidance and teachings.

My sessions with you have enabled me to finally understand and gain control of my anxiety, and given me the tools, and access to the knowledge required to live a happier and more fulfilling life.
You are truly amazing:-) 


Philippa P

Christine, I just wanted to let you know that I am so happy with the result from The Breathing Shift Course. I didn't realise how much I hold my breath!

I've been practicing every day and have noticed a change in my anxiety and my awareness.  I'm "catching" myself and changing my breathing and it's working!  Thank you so much.



This Course

  • I can't let go or relax
  • I'm feel under constant pressure
  • I'm stressed and anxious
  • My mind is restless and busy
  • I can't think clearly
  • I'm emotionally reactive
  • I'm worried all the time
  • My breathing is tight and shallow
  • I don't know how to help myself



This Course

  • I know how to let go and relax
  • I know how to release any pressure 
  • I'm feeling calm and peaceful
  • My mind is quiet and clear
  • I'm feeling more connected
  • My emotions are calm
  • I'm trusting myself more
  • My breathing is relaxed and full
  • I know exactly how to help myself

Are You Going To

 Join Me And Become Brilliantly Breath Intelligent?


You deserve to live a satisfying and rich life!
If you don't start now... then when?

I've enjoyed helping many thousands of people change their lives by teaching them the art of intentional breathing. 

You too can change the quality of your life by a simple breathing shift!

Feel better
Relax your body
Quieten your mind
Calm your emotions
Connect with yourself

I completely turned my life around when I finally understood that I could shift life!  Life is not rigid but infused with flexibility and endless possibilities...  

And your breath is a way to open that door!

Mental clarity 
Emotional balance
Can be yours on demand!

The Breathing Shift is a step towards real freedom!